Friday, April 16, 2010

In the first term some of our children went and did a concert for the Outspan Home in the Umbilo Area.
Well this community work did so much for both the elderly at the home and the children that it will be an ongoing event for us in the future.
Miss Pretorius on her Honor Trip at the Duck and Deck in Hillcrest. What a beautiful country farm.
Chloe Housten and Mbale Shange at the Duck and Deck in Hillcrest. (on their Honor Roll trip)
Congratulations to David Venter for doing community work at an Old Age home. He was awarded the Hero Award prize by Pick n Pay. Well done David - keep up the good work.
Sport Practices take place every Monday and Wednesday. The following sport codes take place: Hockey, Netball, Vollebyball, Soccer, Cross Country and Touch Rugby. Our Winter Sport programme has taken off at a fast pace as the climax to our competition will be in Richards Bay on the 27th, 28th and 29th May. All the students try hard to make it for this level of competition as it is a trip away from home and its huge in our school for team and spirit building. Cross Country runners will also be training on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mrs Warren is our new Grade R teacher. This was taken on the 1st day of school. They had a fabulous outing to the paddling pools on the Bluff last term and have just had a whole new area added to their classroom.
Is school so bad? It seems there is a lot of fun to be had!!
Elaine Heystek about to do the 50 m backstroke. She doesn't look worried at all. Just let her loose and see her go.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cameron Brown just finishing the 100 m Freestyle. Cameron made it to Nationals which was held at the Kings Park Swimming Pool. Well done Cameron.